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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sleep, a Dream? And FRIENDS!

Sooo today I had a fantastic sleep in! It was pretty exciting, and apparently note worthy enough to talk about here!

While sleeping I had a rather strange dream. I don't remember all the details but it essentially was me counting all the voting ballets for the presidential elections, and Barack Obama won! Now this is weird 1. Because I am Canadian and 2. I'm really uninvolved in anything political. So ya strange dream.

But I do love dreaming! Its a fun escape from reality.

ALSO when I woke up I happened to notice some pictures on my wall of my friends that are away at school. And I realized how much I miss them! Its tough being away from close friends because you think that they are experiencing all these things without you and in turn you are drifting as friends. But that can't be true because I know I miss them all the time and still love them just as much as if they were here. I just have to remember that just because there are some miles between us does not been it's putting distant between us. Miss u and love u guys!! M.H, S.T, S.P, N.S xoxoxoxoox

My life would not be complete with out my friends. They make me who I am and are always there to support me! Awww I'm in a very nostalgic mood! lol!

Soooo bloggers make sure those whom you love know it!!! :D

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