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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back When It Was Simple

Lately I've found myself wishing that I could be a kid again. No bills, little responsibility, no job, no worries. It was all good. And now I know that I should have listened to those adults who told me enjoy your childhood it goes by too fast, I now know exactly what they meant.

When we were kids our parents would protect us from the harsh realities of the world. They took care of us and showed us how to make good choices. People were almost always pleasant to you and everyone was your friend. You could wear whatever you wanted to and not be judged. You could play for hours and hours with barely any toys by using your imagination.

But those days are gone, lost, and missed dearly.

As a child I didn't realize how good I had it, until I hit 13 and reality hit me hard. My dad had an a affair and my family was falling apart. The world showed me its dark side.

From that fateful day (November 4, 2002) onwards my life has been no stranger to misery. I have dealt with a lot of difficult things. But they have only made me stronger, and given me the ability to appreciate the small joys in life.

My life is FAR from normal, or perfect. But it is still my life an I refuse to let it go. Things could be worse, and I have to be thankful for what I do have. I do miss those good ol' childhood days, but there's no point looking back, I have to keep my head up and look ahead to my future.


PinkAvocado said...

i believe when life puts you through hardships, i think it's sort of just trying to make you stronger, i feel like it's a part of growing up in reality.
life can be really hard, and i think we've all have our fair share of this..
and yes, you seem like such a strong person, so keep your head up high and just try to grasp the little things that keep you happy, like friends, and maybe even time at work :)

Anonymous said...

It's good that you try not to dwell on the past...that could really drive a person nuts...I think it's also really good that you appreciate the good things in your life, instead of just focusing on the negative ones; there aren't enough people out there who really know how to do that.

Girl Making it Through said...

Thanx guys! There are definately times when Im really negative but I think even just wrting wbout it makes me realize that lifes too short to dwell on things that can't be changed!


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