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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Snooze button...again

I really dont enjoy waking up to my alarm, yet I know it is a necessity because I wouldnt wake up early without it. But its soo sudden and not a very peaceful way to wake up. For a while I tried waking up to music from my ipod but then I would just lie there and listen to my sweet beats so it defeated the purpose as an alarm. I ALWAYS press the snooze button, and lay there for at least 5 more mintues. I am far from what one would call a morning person. I much rather wake up on my own whenever that may be and be happy about it. Oh well you got to do what you got to do.

I am especially not enjoying that its getting to that time of year when it's dark outside when you wake up early. Nothing about that is fun. Oh well right now its my favourite season. I love pretty much everything about fall so hopefully I can put my self in a good mood by stepping on some extra crunchy leaves today.

On another positive note it was raining as I fell asleep last night and I love falling asleep to the pitter patter of rain on the house! :) lol

Im feeling in a comfort kind of mood, so Ill be wearing my yoga pants and sweartshirt today. Afterall today is my hell day. I am on campus for 12 hours. And 9.5 of those hours are spent in lecture. UGH. Jealous much?? Ya didn't think so, I wouldnt be either.


brandon said...

I hate alarm clocks. They actually scare me out of sleep. When it goes off, I jump out of bed and rush to turn it off. The sound is so horrible.

Girl Making it Through said...

Exactly! Ugh I wish I could just program myself to wake up nicely when I need to!

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