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Monday, September 29, 2008

Quotes That Matter

So I was in the kitchen grabbing a glass of water and happen to notice two newspaper cut-outs on the fridge. They are each quotes that were printed in the paper as power thoughts for the day. Here they are:

"When you feel incapable or unable to fulfill the task believe in yourself and discover the power that is available to those who will search with all their might."


"Worry never solved a problem, healed a broken relationship or brought a positive result. Worry is a waste of energy. Begin to speak words of confidence and assurance to bring life to a dreary situation."

I think both of these are phenomenal! They make you think about how to bring yourself out of the dumps and focus on the good opposed to the bad. Just little reminders we all need to think of ourselves as special, valued, and loved!

Thanks goes to my Mom for cutting out these nice little quotes! :)

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