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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

So my one sister Rose and her kids have been living with us for a few weeks now because she is separated from her husband (this was a long time coming so I'm past the "I'm sooo sorry this is happening to you part) and I'm pretty much going insane. Rose is the type of person that shouldn't have had children, I think she only did it because she thought it was the next logical step. But she is way too self absorbed to be a mother and doesn't understand the concept of put yourself last. Don't get me wrong these kids have everything and are not hard done by. Anyways Rose is also really helpless and lazy so my mom and I have gone out of our way to help her in every way, while changing our schedules to accommodate her. Now one would think that when anyone at all helps you in any way you show appreciation?? Well apparently that's a tough concept for Rose.

She'll thank us sure, but no real show of gratitude. Now I'm not asking for a parade in honour of my efforts but at least to be treated with respect and perhaps (heaven forbid) even help out a little around the house (that HER children are making a COMPLETE disaster of). But NO, Rose sits around and watches my mom and I take care of HER children, and clean up after them, and discipline them, and wash dishes, and do laundry and clean. The way Rose thinks completely baffles me! I mean she makes big deals out of nothing, she gets upset and cranky way too easily with her kids, and I can do all of this and then some all while keeping my cool, and I'm ten years younger than her!

I could be being childish but I need to vent and this seems to be the right place to do it! Any suggestions on what I should do next??

Talk at u later! xo

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