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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Newbie to general life story

Well here I am sick at home looking for something to do and I come across a blogging site. So naturally I am drawn to create my own.

So I live at home with my 58 year old mom, who has been divorced twice and is now happily dating. Her first marriage was to a large alcholic, Paul, who would often become aggressive when drunk. But of course this side did not show up until after their nuptials. From that marriage she had two daughters Lynn, and Rose. Paul left her when they were 6 and 3, leaving my mom in the city with all her family back home. She was forced to become independant and strong (two attributes that I admire most about her).

She then entered the dating scene, and thats when she encountered my father, Warren. They dated for a short while, became pregnant with me, got married and moved in together. They were married for 14 years, not to say that all those years were happy. My dad is what you would call a dead-beat dad. He was also an alcoholic, but instead of aggression he was lazy and very uninvolved in life. So on their 14th anniversary my mom decides to break the news that they will be seperating due to the fact that my father had an affair. Naturally I did not take the news well. But within a year we had moved to our own townhouse and I saw my father on holidays and special occasions. Not that that was a huge deal.

I've failed to mention my relationship with my sisters (well half-sisters). I love them both and am especially close with the eldest, Lynn. Rose is your typical middle child, she's selfish and is dependant upon everyone around her. Rose has two children Blake (2 yrs), and Eve (5yrs). Lynn also kids, twin daughters Mae and Sydney (7 months), I adore them all.

So my life has not exactly been filled with luxuries or picture perfect times, but it has shaped me into the person I am today and I think that I've turned out alright.

Well peace out bloggers! Talk at u later! xo

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