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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No Worry = Longevity

So I was reading the paper the other day and I came across an article about an 115 year old woman. In the interview she discussed how her husband had died in 1939 (omg) and that she had outlived two of her sons. When asked what her secret was to such a long life she simply replied "I never worried about anything". At first I considered this absolutely impossible but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. Worry does not do anything, except make you sick.

From now on I am for sure making a conscious effort to avoid worrying because I want the longest life that I may be granted and I want to make the best of it. And all this reminds me of the saying "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

Life is such a blessing and I do not believe it should be squandered. Make the best of every situation and be happy with who you are. I have finally reached a good place within myself and I wish everyone could see the good in life and in themselves. I love life, loving, and me and I will continue to grow and become the absolute best I can be.

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