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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Missed Connections

I realize I have been slacking hugely on the blogging. And I really didn't understand why. For a while I just had no words that seemed worth sharing. I started blogging as something constructive for myself. A personal therapy if you will. And it did help me. But then I got to a point where I realized life is just too short for complaining. I have taken way too many things for granted and I vow to end that here and now.

Life is never happily ever after. Sure happy lives are lived but they are never perfect, everyone has their own set of issues (no matter how big or small). I have been going around self-conciously pitying myself. I would look at everyone else life around me and wish I had their joy. But being envious is not going to get me anywhere. Sure I will always admire those people who are brimming with self-confidence and who seemingly have the world at their finger tips, but I do not wish to be them. I am me and that is all I can be. I have my problems and my life is far from perfect but things could be much worse.

I am thankful for so many things that outweigh all the negative in my life. Things like:
- the best mother in the entire world for me
- amazing friends that never pretend to know my pain, but instead comfort me and help me through the tough times
- my health, I am able to walk and talk and not have to worry about how much time I have left
- my family. Although they are quite crazy they make life interesting and far from boring
- an education. I have goals in life and one day I will fulfill them because I have been given the opportunity to go to university
- my experiences in life. I am stronger and wiser and will be able to face many more of life's problems because of my past
- me. I am thankful that I am me. I am a good person, and I don't need confirmation from anyone else. I am kind, compassionate, loving, giving, and strong. I do not regret who I have become because I am the absolute best that I can be

Life is never fair.

My mom has told me that from the start. Things in life aren't easy and things are rarely handed to you. Be thankful for what you have and stop focusing on what you want. Being comfortable in your own skin is more important than getting that "hot" guy to notice you, or wishing you were that "beautiful" girl. Life is a gift and every positive thing in it is a blessing. Difficult times make us stronger and give us the gift of being able to realize how lucky we really are.

Nothing should be taken for granted, life is too short for "what ifs".

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